Your refund policy is clearly articulated and covers key aspects of the project lifecycle, ensuring that both parties are aware of the expectations and limitations. It’s well-structured to prevent misunderstandings and disputes. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Project Milestones: Each project is divided into milestones, and work is done in stages to ensure clarity on both sides.


2. Non-Refundable Work: Refunds are not possible for work that has already been completed

3. Mutual Termination: If a project is mutually terminated, the client retains all completed work, but no refunds will be given for payments already made.

4. Design Approval: No refunds will be issued after the client approves mock-up designs and development begins.

5. Mid-Milestone Refunds: Partial refunds are not available for projects that are in the middle of a milestone.

6. Special Offers: Services offered on special occasions or limited-time offers cannot be canceled or refunded.

7. SEO and Digital Marketing: These services are non-refundable, but cancellations require a 30-day written notice.

8. Abandoned Projects: No refunds are provided for projects that have been abandoned or inactive for more than 30 days.


This policy sets clear expectations and protects your business while also providing transparency to your clients.

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